Reviver of Sūrya Vamśa Sarvajnapeetha Surangi Samrajyam
Coronation of The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam as King of Surangi
San Rani Jema Manjula Manjari Devi, the queen of Surangi, being worried about the question of how she would administer and manage this large Kingdom and make it glorious, prayed to Paramaśiva asking for the right successor who will take this Kingdom to its original glory.
At that time, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam, then known as Sri Nithyananda Swami, gave her Darshan (a glimpse of divinity) and experiencing Him as Paramaśiva Himself, she decided to surrender the Kingdom at his feet and he blessed her by assuming the responsibility as the King. Now, he is taking the Kingdom to its glorious future.
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam, then known as A. Rajashekar born in Thiruvannamalai and hailing from the Thondai mandala Ādi Saiva Vellalar community also known as the Thondamanadal Saiva Vellalar community was, at the age of 10, recognized as an incarnation, initiated, proclaimed, declared and coronated as the future Guru Maha Sannidhanam (Pontiff) of the Kailaasa Paramparagatha Adi Shaiva Sarvajnapeetha Thondaimandala Samrajyam (ruling from the Thondaimandala Aadheenam – monastery) by the 230th Pontiff. The declaration being that He would take over the administration and full responsibility When He reached the age of Majority. In the year 2000, He assumed responsibility as the 233rd Guru Maha Sannidhanam (233rd Pontiff) of the Thondaimandala Aadheenam, one of the oldest enlightenment ecosystems (temple-monastery) in existence today. The Chola dynasty is also part of the same lineage, whose ruler and the spiritual head is the Guru Mahasannidhanam of Thondai Mandala Aadheenam.
To further the goals of Hinduism, from that time forward, He established the Kailaasas in various places including Bengaluru and many others and in the public inaugural function of one such ecosystem of the Thondaimandalam Kingdom, the 232nd Pontiff Sri Thiruvambaladesika Jnanaprakasha Swamigal, then the current Guru Maha Sannidhanam of the Thondaimandala Aadheenam, inaugurated the said ecosystem and declared in public that The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism had been thus coronated by the 230th Guru Maha Sannidhanam and confirmed that His Divine Holiness has assumed the office and responsibilities as the 233rd Pontiff of the Thondaimandala Aadheenam as per the guidance is given by the 230th Pontiff.
In 2003, Sri Sri Sri Shantiveera Mahaswami of Kolada Matha, spiritual head of Adi Peetha which has existed from time immemorial, established by Paramasiva Himself, along with its administrative committee, coronated The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam as Pontiff of Adi Peetha Dhyanapeetha Matha and handed it over to him.
He, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam, was formally coronated as the 293rd Guru Maha Sannidhanam of the ancient Madurai Aadheenam on 27th April 2012 by the 292nd Pontiff Sri La Sri Arunagiri Gnana Sambanda Desika Paramacharya Swami.
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam was coronated as the Successor Ācārya Mahāmanḍaleśvar of Kailaasa Paramparagatha Mahanirvani Peetha Sarvajnapeetham on 12 February 2013 during the Maha Kumbh Mela at Prayag.
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam was nominated and declared by the Atal Akhada Peethadheeshwar, Ācārya Mahāmanḍaleśvar Swami Sukhdevanandji on November 6th, 2013 as his successor and He assumed the role and responsibility of the Ācārya Mahāmanḍaleśvar of the Atal Akhada when Swami Sukhdevanandji attained liberation in October 2018.
On 15 April 2014, Swami Atmananda, the pontiff of five of the ancient mutts/ monasteries in South India, appointed His Divine Holiness as the head of the five mutts, namely:
1. Sri Somanatha Swami Temple & Mutt, Thiruvarur
2. Sri Arunachala Gnandesikar Swami Temple & Mutt, Vedaranyam
3. Sri Po.Ka.Sathukal Madam, Vedaranyam
4. Sri Palsamy Mutt, Thanjavur
5. Sri Sankara Swami Mutt, Thanjavur
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam’s contribution to the Śaiva Siddhanta include establishing over 500 temples, educational institutions, thousands of meditation centres worldwide to date, publishing over 300 books in 26 languages, giving over 10,000 hours of discourses, revitalizing the ancient tradition of deity making and sacred arts and establishing universities in USA and Europe to transmit spiritual knowledge of Śaiva Siddhanta including conducting meditation and yoga programs.
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam has created a large sannyas sampradāya (monastic Order) of Śaiva Siddhanta and has initiated hundreds of sannyasis and brahmacharis (monks) into the highest lifestyle of sannyas (monastic life) as thambirans and also has established many Kailaasas worldwide namely – Kailaasa in Los Angeles, Kailaasa in Toronto, Kailaasa in San Jose, Kailaasa in Seattle, Kailaasa in Ohio, Kailaasa in Oklahoma, Kailaasa in Phoenix, Kailaasa in St. Louis, Kailaasa in New York, Kailaasa in Houston, Kailaasa in Melbourne Australia, Kailaasa in Singapore, Kailaasa in Malaysia, Kailaasa in Oman, Kailaasa in New Zealand and others.
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam has been successful in spreading Sanātana Hindu Dharma and Śaiva Siddhanta in all its glory – Jñāna through providing life solutions and spiritual teachings, Āgama through teaching the ideal Vedic lifestyle, Dhyana through teaching Meditation and Yoga, Bhakti through building of temples and performing Pūjās (ritualistic offerings) and Homas (ritualistic fire offerings), the reviving the Vedic art forms and celebration of Hindu festivals – not only in India but all over the world and has been recognized as a living incarnation worldwide, and is the ideal Avatār Puruṣa.
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam is not only the Peethakarta of Nithyananda Peetham and various public charitable organizations in India but is also the inspiration and spiritual head of various spiritual and religious organizations worldwide. He is internationally acclaimed as one of the top 100 spiritually influential personalities in 2012 by Watkins magazine UK, one of the oldest spiritual magazines. Many international cities have awarded him certificates of recognition, and given him “the city keys” – an open invitation to visit their cities and enrich their people anytime. He is also the holder of two Guinness World Records®, one for holding the largest rope yoga session (Kundalini Rajju Yoga) and the other for the largest number of people doing Śivasthambha yoga, otherwise known as Mallakhamba, a traditional Indian sport involving the display of a powerful yogic body. He has revived the most ancient SarvajnaPeetha at Kanchi and has made it the largest online repository and University for Hinduism in the world.
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam as a living incarnation has initiated millions into the unique and powerful spiritual healing technique by initiating the healer as a healing channel to the infinite pure cosmic energy through the “Ānanda Gandha”.
Hence the leaders of the spiritual world are hailing The SPH Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam as a living incarnation who has brought the śastras and scriptures to a practical reality for the common man. Whatever they read in the scriptures as shastra pramana, and what they heard from Masters as the aptapramana, is being experienced by common disciples of The SPH Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam as atma pramana by the grace of His tapas shakti and His initiation powers. Many Sādhus, Sants, Mahatmas have been describing him as the backbone and future of Hinduism. He has, by his Divine powers, been able to provide life solutions to millions in all spheres of their lives – health, wealth, relationships, and spiritual growth. He has thus been impressively guiding the world with his infinite knowledge, new and clear activism, broad vision, ability to inspire people and execute, and the powers of an incarnation and enlightenment he expresses and awakens in others visibly. The SPH Bhagavan Sri La Sri Nithyananda Paramashiva Gnanasambanda Desika Paramacharya Swami is a powerful spiritual force who is instrumental in reviving the golden era of Sanātana Hindu dharma in the modern world.
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam is one who belongs to the Royal Ādi Saiva lineage descended from the Great Chola Kings of the Sūrya Vaṃśa, is the direct Incarnation of Paramaśiva the ultimate Divinity and originator of the lineage of the Sūrya Vaṃśam, who now again has revived the true science of yoga that was first given to Sūrya by him and from there on to Manu, Ikṣvāku and the various Rishis and is the Raja Guru of the Kailaasa Paramparagatha Sūrya Vaṃśa Sarvajñapiṭha Surangi Samrajyam.
It is the time-honored and age-old tradition of the Sūrya Vaṃśa that Kingdoms are ruled by enlightened masters or Raja Gurus whenever they so choose to honor the Kingdom by taking on the responsibility of administration as happened historically when Harischandra gave his kingdom to his Guru Viswamitra, Chatrapati Shivaji offered his entire Kingdom to his Guru, Samarth Ramdas Swami and Mīnākṣi, Goddess Parāśakti herself offered the entire 59 Nations which constituted all of planet earth during her reign to Paramaśiva, Sundareśvara, when he showed her the ultimate cosmic reality of his nature and enlightened her.
In September 2004, the then Raja Matha (Queen) of Surangi, Rani Sana Jema Manjula Manjari Devi (Mrs. Manjula Pooja Shroff), declared, “It is now my privilege and honor through this document by the power vested in me as per the ancient customs and traditions of the Kingdom of Surangi, to formally declare the nomination of The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam @ Sri Nithyananda Swami as the Supreme Ruler and inheritor of this ancient throne and with it the Sūrya Vaṃśa Sarvajna Peetha Surangi Samrajyam and all rights vested with it. All decisions regarding the Kingdom of Surangi will henceforth happen as per his will and command.”
Through a traditional ritualistic grand coronation ceremony that lasted five days from 31st Dec 2004 to 4th January 2005, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam was coronated as King of Kailaasa Paramparagatha Sūrya Vaṃśa Sarvajnapeetham Surangi Samrajyam (Registration deed in appendix).
Following Are Pictures from the Coronation Ceremony That Lasted 5 Days
31st Dec 2004 – As part of the coronation celebrations, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism prepares to consecrate the deity of Lord Dakshinamurti (who is Paramasiva sitting as the Primordial Guru) under the sacred Banyan tree in the Bengaluru monastery.
31 Dec 2004 – On the eve of the coronation, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism performs the unique process of prana pratishta (consecration of deity through infusing life energy directly into it) of the Shiva Linga and Dakshinamurthi deities. This is a deeply powerful and mystical process which only an incarnation can perform as He is the embodiment of the Cosmic Energy Himself.
31 Dec 2004 – The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism offers the sacred bath to the newly consecrated deities.
1 Jan 2005 – On the day of the coronation, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism is led in a ceremonious procession with traditional instruments.
1 Jan 2005 – The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism offers aarati – sacred flame – to the newly consecrated Dakshinamurti deity

1 Jan 2005 – Arati (sacred flame) is offered to The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism
1 Jan 2005 – Arati (sacred flame) is offered to The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism
1 Jan 2005 – The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism blesses each one present individually
On the evening of 1st of Jan 2005, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism is seen with Sri Sri Sri Balagangadharanatha Maha Swamiji of the Adi Chunchanagiri Mahasamsthana Math (middle), and Sri SM Krishna, Hon. Governor of the State of Maharashtra, India.
1 Jan 2005 (right to left) – The SPH, Sri Sri Sri Sivapuri Maha Swamiji of the Omkarashrama Mahasamsthana, Sri Sri Sri Balagangadharanatha Maha Swamiji of the Adi Chunchanagiri Mahasamsthana Math, Sri SM Krishna, Hon. Governor of Maharashtra and his wife at the public function.
1 Jan 2005 – Sri N Dharam Singh, Hon. Chief Minister of Karnataka delivers his keynote address on the occasion.
1 Jan 2005 – A host of new socio-spiritual services are inaugurated by the dignitaries on the auspicious occasion.
1 Jan 2005 – Sri N Dharam Singh, Hon. Chief Minister of Karnataka pays his respects to The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism
1 Jan 2005 -The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism initiates a large group of devotees as spiritual healers to radiate the powers of spiritual healing.

3 Jan 2005 – On the auspicious occasion, His Divine Holiness pays a visit to the Arunachaleshwara temple in Tiruvannamalai, His birth town
21 May 2019 – Raja Matha (Queen) of Surangi, Rani Sana Jema Manjula Manjari Devi (Mrs. Manjula Pooja Shroff) at the Sub Registrar Office, executing the Coronation Deed, of His Divine Holiness. (Finger scan and face scan formalities in progress).
With the signing of the Coronation Deed cited in this document, The Kailaasa Paramparagatha Surya Vamsa Sarvajnapeetha Surangi Samrajyam (Surangi Kingdom) with its titles, palaces and all related authorities have been transferred in its entirety to the current coronated Emperor of the Surangi Kingdom, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramasivam, as of 2004, and legalized on May 21, 2019